90s alt-rock guitarist, Henry Collins, took the time to answer a few questions whilst riding high from his third song submission, Turn Green.
Dive a little deeper...

Which song are we diving into?
Turn Green (from 'The Colour Red')
What was the inspiration for your song, or what is it "about"?
I wish I could say it was about anything... it was cobbled together rather than starting out with a specific vision. I definitely wanted something that sounded upbeat and positive as its summer and also my last song was quite dark. I also needed to somehow tie it into the monthly theme, though this was not my main priority.
What was your writing process for it?
I get all my ideas from messing around on the guitar , I then record any good ideas on my phone. Then when I have at least four or five good ideas I can make them into a song. This song came together in this way... I had an idea for a riff but it wasn't quite working... I then tried playing with a swing feel and I thought it had a nice groove and would make a nice bass line. I also had the chords for the wah solo section saved on my phone and that part came together in the same way.
Recording the vocals is my least favourite part, I dread this and I usually leave them to the last possible moment but at least it give me more time to work on lyrics which I used to also dread but now I really enjoy that part. The lyrics for first verse was inspired by some local forest fires that were burning at the time. The second verse was inspired by my awesome wife who has been battling health issues and she has to put up with me as well... she's not listened to the song yet either, I've not been brave enough to play it for her. The chorus was a last ditch attempt to tie it all together and make it relate to the monthly theme. I had a few ideas for that but I ran out of time and settled for what was there.

What musical equipment did you use?
My beloved Fender telecaster thinline deluxe . The wiring and components have has been upgraded over the years , and I had the pickups hand wound by 'bare knuckle pickups' based in Cornwall when we were living there. I also have a bunch of other nice gear but it doesn't get much of a look in these days. For the solo I used a standard Jim Dunlop Wah pedal.
What recording equipment did you use?
I am fairly new to home recording and I'm still trying to learn. I have a very simple setup… I use a 'Roland duo-capture ex' to connect into my laptop then I use 'Mixcraft 7' software to record and mix (I'm still figuring out how to use this). For vocals I use a cheap mic which I'm hoping to upgrade soon. MBM member advice on this would be great...
What’s your favourite element/section of your song?
I love guitar solos... I know I'm a fairly average guitar player compared to professional standards, but this is the part I enjoy the most. I try to think of interesting rhythmical parts I could solo over, to really make it stand out.

What would you change about it or hope to improve upon next time?
I would probably get a decent producer to record it properly first of all. I'd love to have a good singer and a solid drummer playing on it. I've been relying on drum loops a lot - which are never as good as a real drummer. Listening back to last months song I noticed some nasty volume spikes... I tried to not make the same mistake this month, but I can still hear it on the start of the chorus singing.
Can you remember the first song you ever wrote (if so, tell us about it)?
Yes - its just a funky kinda riff. I remember being so proud of myself (if I get stuck for ideas, I may dust it off and use it in a MBM song).
Apart from your own, which MBM song/artist should we check out?
All of them. I thought this month (The Colour Red) was the strongest yet!
Finally, how have you found being an MBM member so far?
I've really enjoyed it and my song writing has really benefited, thank you so much for creating it and letting me be part of it.
Listen to all of Henry's songs via the 'Official MBM Playlist'.
Month by Month has been created to be a safe, inclusive & creative space for all who join. If you're interested in joining please remember, This is not a competition,
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