Music journalist & post punk artist, Oscar Quick, took time out from their busy schedule to dive a little deeper into their latest submission, 'Cut'.
Let's dive a little deeper, shall we?

My latest submission, “Cut” (based on the theme, 'The Colour Red'), is part of my second record, “Death Before Discomfort”.
When thinking of the colour red, I immediately think about violence, and having been mugged recently, I figured I would relate the song to knife crime. But Death Before Discomfort has a secret meaning, seemingly it’s angry, dark and political, but it’s actually telling a story I made up about my bulldog, Chop.
Cut is planned to be the first song on the record and the secret meaning for that song is that Chop doesn’t want to get his nails done, so he has a tantrum and runs away, beginning a crazy adventure where he ends up as God-Emperor of Mankind. Yes, I have an overactive imagination.
My writing process is in two parts, instrumental and lyrics.
While I go through the world, I’m always on the lookout for ideas for lyrics, and when I get a spark, I immediately write it down in my phone to use later.
Instrumentally, this one is a bit different, using no guitars at all. Which for a post punk artist, is quite unusual. Using synths and a few stock loops from my DAW, I created the various sections and then, on instinct sang the vocals, half of it improvised.
Cut features no live instruments (that I played myself), but I used loops for a variety of exotic instruments, to get a different flavour and differentiate this record from my last.

My set up is fairly simple - MacBook Pro, Logic Pro X, AKG P220 microphone and Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. I want this album to be made at home, my last one was in a recording studio using tens of thousands of pounds of equipment, and I wanted to prove that I can make music that is just as good without that much gear.
My favourite part of this track has to be when the Indian Rajah Sarod comes in after the introduction. I love the use of unusual instrumentation and it’s become a staple of this album I’m working on.
What would you change about it or hope to improve upon next time?
I’d like to sit down with a producer at some point and really refine the production and mixing. I’m familiar with the basics, but it’s important to me that this record sounds as good as it can - so I'll look to do that in the future.
Can you remember the first song you ever wrote (if so, tell us about it)?
The first “song” I ever wrote is called Schopenhauer, from my first EP. It is both personal and tells the story of existentialist philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer. I spent a lot of time on the lyrics and despite the lo-fi sound and the fact that it’s heavily inspired by New Order, I’m very proud of it to this day.
Finally, how have you found being an MBM member so far?
MBM is such a great concept and I’m so impressed by the design and organisation behind it. I’m really looking forward to the next meeting and I’ll see you all very soon!
Listen to all of Oscar's songs via the 'Official MBM Playlist'.
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